


medical research, medical affairs, pre-clinical research, pre-clinical models, pre-clinical trials, animal studies, experimental design, clinical research, clinical trials, clinical affairs, clinical strategy, clinical investigations, clinical operations, trial design, protocol design, investigator brochure, informed consent, investigator agreement, site contract, research design, clinical document authorship, site selection, international, world-wide, US, OUS, DSMB selection, CEC selection, trial management, personnel management, in-house staff, in-house personnel, field staff, field personnel, CRO, post-market trials, post-market research, regulated trials, unregulated trials, IDE trials, 510(k), budget planning, product development, product design, product evaluation, product enhancement, expand indications, product safety, product efficacy, scientific presentations, scientific publications, organizational ability, start-up experience, cardiovascular device, ablation device, implantable device, ablation catheter, pacemaker, defibrillator, Class III device, class 3 device, CE-mark trial, feasibility trial, pivotal trial, phase I, phase II, phase III, investigator selection, investigator training, budget negotiation, quality system, regulatory experience, vice president, signal processing, arrhythmia detection, electronic systems, real-time systems, data acquisition, ECG algorithm, drug-device combination, RF ablation, cryoablation, neurostimulation, spinal cord stimulation, chronic pain management, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, cardiac arrhythmia, off-pump CABG surgery, atrial defribillator, ventricular defibrillator, epicardial pacing, implantable drug pump, drug pump, Holter recorders, Holter monitoring, physiology, AHA arrhythmia database, medical advisor relations, engineering interface, cardiac electrophysiology, myocardial infarction, pathology, histology, marketing support go




Considerable experience in clinical and pre-clinical settings with respect to the design and conduct of research, both regulated and non-regulated, in Europe and in the U.S.  Strong organizational ability.  Well versed with FDA regulatory requirements.  Strong background in electronic systems and software for medical applications, especially the real-time acquisition and manipulation of low-level cardiac and neurophysiologic signals.  Good understanding of both clinical applications and the clinical marketplace.  Excellent speaking and writing skills.  Strong relationships with thought leaders and practicing clinicians in cardiac electrophysiology.



Consultant (3 years)

Consulting for:  Clinical study design and implementation for both regulated and unregulated trials; advised on OUS first-in-man trials; clinical operations;   regulatory strategies; report authoring and presentation.  Cardiac ablation systems:  bench and pre-clinical modeling and testing. Implantable neurotim device pre-clinical and clinical testing.

Vice President, Clinical Affairs and Clinical Research (6 years)

Responsible for design, implementation and management of international clinical, pre-clinical and non-regulated (EU post-market) research programs centered on product evaluation, basic research, product development, product enhancement and expanded indications.   Hired and directed a group of in-house (4) and field clinical staff (4).  Initiated, directed and completed CE-mark trial.  Designed and conducted two US IDE Phase I trials.  510(k) approval for surgical cryoablation system.   Also responsible for obtaining all necessary resources to fulfill duties including financial, personnel and physical.  Responsible for publication/presentation of research results before the scientific and clinical communities.  Responsible for implementing a continuing research program demonstrating product safety and efficacy for the medical user.  Contributed on a regular basis to product design, clinical affairs and marketing activities.

Manager/Director, Clinical Operations-US (1 year)

Direction of clinical operations for finalization of US pivotal IDE trial, including in-house staff, field operations, customer service, staff performance standards, investigator training and investigator meetings.  Oversaw preparation of PMA application for implantable device.  Management of EU post-market research activities.

Manager of Clinical Operations-Europe (3 years)

Designed, implemented, and completed a 50-patient feasibility study of implantable atrial defibrillation technology within European Community.  Later, developed and supported research centers for pre-clinical and clinical testing; implemented EU clinical department including staffing, support structure for clinical studies; hiring and training of in-house and field staff.  Developed and supported EU studies and post-market centers for advanced research on product improvement and expanded applications.

Senior Field Clinical Engineer (2 years)

Pacemaker clinical evaluations; ICD clinical evaluations.

Senior Research Associate and Consultant (4 years)

Designed and tested technology for implantable anti-arrhythmic drug pump; ICU bedside concept test system.  Supervision of engineering staff.

Consulting on ECG arrhythmia detection algorithm design and evaluation.

Senior Staff Engineer (5 years)

ECG algorithm design; developed tools for algorithm evaluation.

Senior Scientific Associate (4 years)

Development of production system for volume processing of Holter tapes for IMPACT drug study.  Production processing of over 1000 24-hour Holter recordings.  Design of networked, multi-center twelve-lead ECG system.

Research Assistant (8 years)

ECG algorithm design and development of tools for algorithm evaluation; data compression; manager of AHA Arrhythmia Database.



Master of Science-Electrical Engineering from Seever Institute, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (Thesis Research:  Computer Systems for Capturing and Compressing Transient ECG Data);

Doctor of Philosophy Psychology (Degree Candidate; NIH Fellowship Recipient) at Washington University included four years of research in developmental neurobiology; 

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.


Professional Societies: 

IEEE Computer Society

AHA Council on Clinical Cardiology



Fifty-one publications:  eight refereed, twenty-four abstracts, one book, remainder in technical publications; edited the yearly publication Computers in Cardiology for 15 years; 1 patent.

Articles and Books:

Ripley, K.L. and Provine, R.R. "Neural correlates of embryonic motility in the chick," BRAIN RESEARCH, 972; 45: pp. 127-134.

Cox, Jr., J.R. and Ripley, K.L. "Compact digital coding of electrocardiographic data," PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1973, pp. 333-336.

Ripley, K.L. and Arthur, R.M. "Evaluation and comparison of automatic arrhythmia detectors," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California,1975, pp. 27-32.

Ripley, K.L. and Cox, Jr., J.R. "A computer system for capturing transient electrocardiographic data," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos California,1976, pp. 439-445.

Oliver, G.C., Ripley, KJL, Miller, JP. and Martin, T.F. "A critical review of computer arrhythmia detectors." In COMPUTER ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY: CURRENT STATUS AND CRITERIA (L. Pordy, ed.) Futura, Mount Kisco, New York, pp. 319-360 ,1977.

Oliver, G.C. and Ripley, KJL. "Automated detection and analysis of ventricular arrhythmias," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST US-USSR SYMPOSIUM ON SUDDEN DEATH, Yalta, USSR, October 3-5,1977, DHEW Publication Number (NIH)78-1470.

Cox, Jr., J.R., Bridger, D.A., Ripley, K.L. and Zacher, R. "Computers in Medicine." In WHAT CAN BE AUTOMATED? THE COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH STUDY, (B. Arden, ed.) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,1980; pp. 830-845.

Ritter, J.A., Thomas, Jr., L J. and Ripley, KJL. "Argus RT: A microcomputer system for clinical arrhythmia monitoring," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 1977; pp. 79-84.

Ripley, K.L. and Oliver, G.C. "Development of an ECG database for arrhythmia detector evaluation," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 1977; pp. 203-210.

Ripley, K.L., Geselowitz, D.B., and Oliver, G.C. "The American Heart Association arrhythmia database: a progress report." COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 1978; pp. 47-54.

Thomas, Jr., LJ., Clark, K.W., Mead, C.N., Ripley, KX., Spenner, B. F., and Oliver, Jr., G.C. "Automated Dysrhythmia Analysis." PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, , 1979; 67(9): pp. 1322-1337, (also published in Russian).

Cox, Jr., J.R., Hermes, R.E. and Ripley, KL. "Evaluation of Performance" in AMBULATORY ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC RECORDING, (N.K. Wenger, M.B. Mock, I. Ringqvist, eds.) Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago,1981; pp. 183-198.

Ripley, K.L. and Murray, A. INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATED ARRHYTHMIA DETECTION, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 1980.

Ripley, K.L., Okkerse, RJ., Engelse, W.A.H., Vinke, R.V.H. and Zeelenberg, C. "Implementation of Argus/2H at the Thoraxcentrurn," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 1980, pp. 135-138.

Zeelenberg, C., Ripley, K.L. and Okkerse, R. "Equipment Specifications and Performance Criteria: Clinical Evaluation", In LONG TERM AMBULATORY ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY (J. Roelandt and P.G. Hugenholtz, eds.) Martinus Nijhof, The Hague, 1982; pp. 6-15.

Mark, R.G. and Ripley, K.L. "Ambulatory Monitoring: Real-Time versus Tape Scanning Systems," PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST WORKSHOP ON AMBULATORY MONITORING: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM AND ALLIED APPLICATIONS, Pisa, Italy, Martinus Nijhof Publishers, 1984.

Ripley, K.L. and Marchesi, C. "Automated Arrhythmia Detection," PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, Menorca, Spain, North Holland Publishers, 1984.

Arzbaecher, R., Bump, T., Ripley, K.L., Yurkonis, C, Jenkins, J. and Noh, K. "Implantable Microprocessor-Based Devices for the Management of Arrhythmia," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California,

1988,   pp 29-34.

Bump, T.E., Ripley, Kl., Guezennec, A., and Arzbaecher, R. "The Effect of Drugs and Lead Maturation on Atrial Electrograms during Sinus Rhythm and Atrial Fibrillation," AMER. HEART J., 1989; 117(3): pp. 557-584.

Ripley, K.L., Bump, T.E., and Arzbaecher, R.C., "Evaluation of Techniques for Recognition of Ventricular Arrhythmias by Implanted Devices," IEEE TRANS BIOMED ENG, l989; 36(6): pp. 616-624.

Jadvar, H., Ripley, K.L., and Arzbaecher, R.C., "Power Spectral, Cepstral, and Hartley Analyses of Intracardiac Electrograms for Detection of Tachyarrhythmias," COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California,

1989,   pp. 175-178.

Ripley, K.L., Bump, T.E., and Arzbaecher, R.C., "Detection and Distinction of Atrial Arrhythmias from Bipolar Electrograms," PROCEEDINGS 1990 ENGIN MED BIOL SOC (Philadelphia), 1990.

Lévy, S., Ricard, P., Lau, C.-P., Lok, N.-S., Camm, A.J.,  Murgatroyd, F.D., Jordeans, L.J., Kappenberger, L.J., Brugada, P. and Ripley, K.L. “Multicenter Low Energy Transvenous Atria Defibrillation (XAD) Trial Results in Different Subsets of Atrial Fibrillation,” JACC, 1997; 29(4): pp. 750-755.

Singer, I., Ripley, K., Johnson, B. and Stoddard, M., “Temperature May Be an Appropriate Sensor for Chronotropically Incompetent Patients with Postural Syncope,” PACE, 1997; 17(10): pp. 1655-1664.

Reek, S., Geller, J.C., Schildhaus, H.-U., Ripley, K.L. and Klein, H., “Feasibility of Catheter Cryoablation in Normal Ventricular Myocardium and Healed Myocardial Infarction,” PACE, 2004; 27: pp. 1530-1539.

Tse, H.-F., Ripley, K.L., Lee, K.L.F., Siu, C.-W., Van Vleet, J.F., Pelkey, W.L. and Lau, C.-P., “Effects of Temporal Application Parameters on Lesion Dimensions During Transvenous Catheter Cryoablation,” J CARDIOVASC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, 2005; 16(2):  pp. 1-4.


Ripley, K., Gage, A., Van Vleet, J., Lau, C.-P., Olsen, D. and Tse, H.-F., “Time Course of Esophageal Lesions after Catheter Ablation with Cryothermal and Radiofrequency Ablation: Implication for Atrio-Esophageal Fistula Formation after Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation,” J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 2007; 18(6) pp 242-646.


Ripley, K.L., Nolle, F.M., Thomas, Jr., LJ. and Oliver, G.C. "Marked increases in frequency of premature ventricular contractions at nine months following myocardial infarction," CIRCULATION, 1975;  52(4):  pp. 11-94.

Ripley, K.L. and Comerchero, H. "Introduction to automated arrhythmia detection," MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, Chicago, IL, Midwest Biomedical Society, 1984.

Ripley, K.L. and Lecksell, JJR. "A system for automated evaluation of arrhythmia detection algorithms," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH ANNUAL AAMI MEETING, Arlington, VA, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1984.

Ripley, K.L., Murray, A. and Mark, R.G. "Automated Arrhythmia Detection" (tutorial), FINAL PROGRAM OF THE 19TH ANNUAL AAMI MEETING, Arlington, VA, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1984.

Ripley, K.L. "A critical review of modem ambulatory electrocardiogram processing technologies," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERIZED INTERPRETATION OF THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM, New York, NY, Engineering Foundation, 1985.

Arzbaecher, R.3urnp, T., Jenkins, J., Noh, K.H. and Ripley K. "Rate, spectra, amplitude histograms and zero-crossings as identifiers of fibrillation in the intracardiac electrogram," Computerized Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram-XIII (Intemational Society of Computerized Electrocardiography), Palm Bay, Florida, 10-15 April 1988.

Arzbaecher, R. Ripley, K., Bump, T. and Yurkonis, C. "Use of Holter technology to search an electrophysiologic data base," Third Intemational Symposium on Holter Monitoring (International Society for Holter Monitoring), Vienna, Austria, 28-30 April 1988.

Ripley, K.L., "PC Compatibility: An Instrument Designer's Nightmare," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25TH ANNUAL AAMI MEETING, Anaheim, CA, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1990.

Arzbaecher, R., Ripley, K.L., Guenneguez, J., Jadvar, H., Polikaitis, A., and Bump, T. "A combined monitor and pump controller for management of atrial arrhythmias in post surgical patients," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 26TH ANNUAL AAMI MEETING, Washington, D.C., Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 1991.


Timmermans, C., Rodriguez, L.-M., Smeets, J.L.R.M., Ripley, K., Ayers, G.M. and Wellens, H.J.J, “Effect of intranasal butorpha­nol on discomfort during internal atrial defibrilla­tion,” Journal Am Coll Cardiol, 1997; 29: p. 474A.

Ripley, K.L., Bocek, J., Kim, J., White, H., Griffin, J. and Ayers, G., “ Clinical Performance of Atrial Fibrillation Detection and Shock Synchronization in an Implantable Defibrillator,” J. Electrocardiol., 1998; 30S: p. 123.

Tse, H.-F., Siu, C.-W., Ripley, K.L. and Lau, C.-P., “Determinants of lesion dimension during catheter cryoablation:  Effects of tip electrode temperature and size,” HEART RHYTHM, 2004; 1(1S): p. S110.

Ripley, K.L., Van Vleet, J.F. and Sherman, M.L., “Use of Cryothermy for Ablation Site Pre-testing:  Thermal Boundaries,” HEART RHYTHM, 2005; 2(5S):  p. S120.

Ripley, K.L., Olsen, D.B., Van Vleet, J.F. and Pelkey, W.L., “Effect of Cryothermy Application Duration on Lesion Size in Bovine Epicardium,” HEART RHYTHM, 2005; 2(5S):   S239.

Ripley, K.L., Feld, G.K., Van Vleet, J.F. and Ayers, G.M., “Transvenous Catheter Ablation of the Right Atrial Free Wall Produces Lung Lesions in Animals,” HEART RHYTHM, 2005; 2(5S):  S279.

Ripley, K.L., Olson, D., Van Vleet, J.F. and Pelkey, W.L., “Single-Cycle Cryoablation Applications Are as Effective as Multi-phase Applications for Cardiac Lesion Production in Animals,” EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2005; 26(S1): P523.

Tse, H.-F., Ripley, K.L., Zhang, O., Siu, C.-W., Van Vleet, J.F. and Lau, C.-P., “Cryothermal Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation Increases Lesion Size without Risk of Thrombus Formation,” EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2005; 26(S1): P525.

Ripley, K.L., Olsen, D. and Van Vleet, J.F., “Comparison of RF and Cryoablation to Produce Esophageal Injury when Applied Directly to the Exterior of the Bovine Esophagus,” CIRCULATION, 2005; 112(17-II): p. II-492.

Ripley, K.L., Olsen, D., Van Vleet, J.F. and Koerner, R., “Exploring the Effects of Cryothermy on Cardiac Tissue,” CRYOBIOLOGY, 2005; 51(3):  p. 365.


Ripley, K.L., Olson, D., Van Vleet, J.F. and Ayers, G.M., “Direct Injury to the Esophagus from RF and Cryoablation and Their Potential Roles in Understanding the Production of Atrio-Esophageal Fistulas,” HEART RHYTHM, 2006; 4(9): p.112B.


Ripley, K.L., Tse, H.-F., Van Vleet, J.F., Gage, A.A., and Pelkey, W.L., “The Effects of Docetaxil and Sirolimus on Cryoablation Lesions in Normal Skeletal Muscle,” EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2006; 27(S1): P2083


Ripley, K.L., Tse, H.-F., Van Vleet, J.F., and Pelkey W.L., “Cryoablation of skeletal muscle: the effect of contact force and application duration on lesion size,” EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2006; 27(S1): P2084


Ripley, K.L., Olsen, D., Van Vleet, “Esophageal injury as a consequence of ablation with RF and Cryothermy,” EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 2006; 27(S1): P4434




Ripley, K.L. and Kaplan, D.T.  Method and apparatus for ECG Signal Analysis and Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection, US Patent 5,271,411, 1993.

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